In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.
Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.
In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.
Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.
Term | Main definition |
Misdemeanor | Offense less serious than a felon, punishable by a sentence other than being sent to prison. (A.R.S. Section 13-105) |
Modification Order | An order of the court that alters, changes, extends, amends, limits, or reduces an earlier order of the court. |
Modify | To alter; to change; to extend; to amend; to limit; to reduce. |
Motion | A request to a court for an order granting any kind of relief. |
Nisi Period | A period of time (usually 90 days) following a final divorce order during which neither person can marry again. |
Non-Custodial Parent | The parent that has not been granted legal custody of the children. The parent who is not the primary caretaker of the children. |
Notary Public | A person who is legally authorized to administer oaths and verify that someone has completed an affidavit under oath. |
Notice of Appearance | A paper filed in court notifying the court and the other people involved, that a person (or their lawyer) is participating in the case. |
Oath | Swearing or affirming that a statement is true. If someone makes a statement under oath and knows it is false, that person may be subjected to prosecution for perjury. Written documents as well as spoken testimony may be made under oath. |
Obligee | Commonly refers to the person to whom monthly support is payable. |
Obligor | Commonly refers to the person ordered to pay support. |
Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) | The federal office established to oversee the administration of Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. |
Offset | The reduction of a support indebtedness. (In IV-D, refers to the application of federal or state tax refund monies to child support arrearage.) |
Opinion | Written statement issued to report the decision of an appellate court. |
Order to Show Cause | A court order directing a person to appear in court and respond to a legal petition or complaint. |
Parent Information Program | Each county has adopted and implemented an educational program for the purpose of educating persons about the impacts that divorce, the restructuring of families and judicial involvement have on children. |
Parent/Child Contact | A court determination establishing the conditions under which a parent may be with his or her child. Also known as Parenting Time. |
Parentage | A determination that one person is the parent of a child and therefore is responsible for child support and may be entitled to parental rights and responsibilities and parent/child contact. |
Parental Rights and Responsibilities | (Used to be known as custody) Things that the court has to decide when parents are getting a divorce. Included are where the child lives and who takes care of them; who can make medical decisions for them; and who has access to school and medical records. |
Parenting Coordinator | Case management, dispute resolution process using mediation and arbitration concepts to help implement parenting plans |