In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.
Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.
In the fall of 2024, the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) mailed letters to parents who once had an open dependecy and/or severance case.
Did you receive a letter? Visit the DCS letter page for more information.
Term | Main definition |
Findings | Rulings by a court as to what facts are true. |
Follow Regular Schedule | The children follow their regular schedule and celebrate the holiday with the assigned parent who has parenting time on that day or time. |
Forcible Entry and Detainer | A special proceeding for returning possession of lands, tenements or other real property to a person who has been wrongfully kept off the land or deprived of use of the land. This is a common proceeding used in landlord/tenant disputes, also known as eviction. |
Full Faith & Credit | The constitutional principle which entitles a judgment of the court of one state to recognition and enforcement in a court in another state. |
Garnishee | The person upon whom a garnishment is served. (Verb: to institute garnishment proceedings.) |
Garnishment | A legal remedy whereby the property or money of the debtor that isin the possession or under the control of a third person (garnishee) is withheld from the debtor and applied to the debt. |
General Jurisdiction Court | Court that has authority to hear all legal actions not assigned exclusively to another court. |
Genetic Testing | A way to determine the parents of a child by testing the chromosomes of each parent and child through taking a blood sample. |
Grand Jury | A group of 12-16 citizens who usually serve a term of not more than 120 days to hear or investigate charges of criminal behavior. TA grand jury indictment is a written accusation charging a defendant with commission of a crime. |
Grantee Relative | A relative who has physical or legal custody of and is receiving public assistance for the children of another person. |
Gross Income | The total income before deductions, exemptions, or tax reductions. |
Guardian | A person appointed by the court to manage the affairs of a child or incapacitated person. Note: A guardian does not have a duty of support to the child in his/her care. |
Hearing | A proceeding scheduled by the court on a specific date and time that may include evidence being shown. |
Home Study | A professional investigation of the living situation of each of the parents for the use of the court in determining parental rights and responsibilities. Also done to investigate persons seeking to adopt a child. |
Impeach | A formal accusation by the Arizona House of Representatives that a public official committed misconduct in office. |
In Forma Pauperis | Latin phrase referring to someone who does not have the financial ability to pay for all or part of the cost of litigation. A person may seek in forma pauperis status in order not to have to pay filing fees or the cost of serving papers on the other person. Sometimes this is abbreviated "IFP." |
In Loco Parentis | Latin phrase referring to a person who, although not the legal or biological parent of the child, has been treated as a parent by the child and established a meaningful parental relationship over a substantial period of time. |
Income Withholding Order | See "Wage Assignment" for further direction. |
Incorrigible | Refers to a juvenile who is unmanageable by parents or guardians. Incorrigible offenses include running away and truancy. |
Indictment | A formal, written accusation by a grand jury charging that a person or business committed a specific crime. |