Where is the Nogales City Court located?
The Nogales City Courthouse is located off of Grand and Martinez St., in the City Hall Complex. Parking is located around the courthouse, with designated disabled parking to the south of the complex.
The Nogales City Courthouse is located off of Grand and Martinez St., in the City Hall Complex. Parking is located around the courthouse, with designated disabled parking to the south of the complex.

Courthouse Entrance
The entrance to the Nogales City Courthouse is located to the north of the City Hall Complex, the City Hall office is next door. Please be aware that food and drinks are NOT allowed in the courthouse.
The entrance to the Nogales City Courthouse is located to the north of the City Hall Complex, the City Hall office is next door. Please be aware that food and drinks are NOT allowed in the courthouse.

Service Window
The window to the Nogales City Court is located to the left of the entrance. This is where individuals check in to court, file paperwork, and pay fines. You will need to show a form of ID when filing or paying a fine. The courthouse accepts Mexican driver's licenses, proof of insurance, and vehicle registrations. If you cannot appear, call or email the Clerk about payments and extensions. Spanish speakers are available to assist with file or processing payment. Please notify the Clerk at filing if you have any language or physical requirements prior to a hearing.
The window to the Nogales City Court is located to the left of the entrance. This is where individuals check in to court, file paperwork, and pay fines. You will need to show a form of ID when filing or paying a fine. The courthouse accepts Mexican driver's licenses, proof of insurance, and vehicle registrations. If you cannot appear, call or email the Clerk about payments and extensions. Spanish speakers are available to assist with file or processing payment. Please notify the Clerk at filing if you have any language or physical requirements prior to a hearing.

The courtroom of the Nogales City Court is located to the right of the courthouse entrance. The courtroom hears civil, traffic, petty offenses, misdemeanors, and some domestic relation matters. Check in with the Clerk prior to entering the courtroom. Children are allowed to be present if they are not being disruptive. Dress appropriately: no shorts, no offensive or inappropriate images, no crop tops, no tube tops, no undergarments showing, no hats, or no sunglasses. Cell phones need to be turned off or set to silent.
The courtroom of the Nogales City Court is located to the right of the courthouse entrance. The courtroom hears civil, traffic, petty offenses, misdemeanors, and some domestic relation matters. Check in with the Clerk prior to entering the courtroom. Children are allowed to be present if they are not being disruptive. Dress appropriately: no shorts, no offensive or inappropriate images, no crop tops, no tube tops, no undergarments showing, no hats, or no sunglasses. Cell phones need to be turned off or set to silent.

Technology Access
The Nogales City Court has document projection systems, sound amplifiers, interpreter headsets, and phone conferencing capabilities. If you have digital exhibits to present, they need to be produced on an USB drive and given to the Clerk prior to the hearing.
The Nogales City Court has document projection systems, sound amplifiers, interpreter headsets, and phone conferencing capabilities. If you have digital exhibits to present, they need to be produced on an USB drive and given to the Clerk prior to the hearing.

Payment Drop Box
Outside of the courthouse is a dropbox for those that have afterhour payments. If you drop off a payment, the docket number must be written on the envelope. The court accepts Money Orders, Checks, or Cashier's Checks. Please NO Cash.
Outside of the courthouse is a dropbox for those that have afterhour payments. If you drop off a payment, the docket number must be written on the envelope. The court accepts Money Orders, Checks, or Cashier's Checks. Please NO Cash.