Where is the Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court located?
The entrance to the Lake Havasu Consolidated Courthouse is located on the north side of the building, off of Lake Havasu Ave. So you are aware when using an online map tool, the physical address of the building directs the visitor to the backside of the building.
The entrance to the Lake Havasu Consolidated Courthouse is located on the north side of the building, off of Lake Havasu Ave. So you are aware when using an online map tool, the physical address of the building directs the visitor to the backside of the building.

Courthouse Parking
Free public parking can be accessed at the Lake Havasu Ave. entrance or off of College St. The College St. entrance takes the visitor passed a guard shack and to the far back of the parking lot. Handicapped parking is available to the visitor; passed the guard house, turning right immediately passed the building. When parking in the lower, public lot, the back row is reserved for government vehicles, but the remaining spots are available to visitors.
Free public parking can be accessed at the Lake Havasu Ave. entrance or off of College St. The College St. entrance takes the visitor passed a guard shack and to the far back of the parking lot. Handicapped parking is available to the visitor; passed the guard house, turning right immediately passed the building. When parking in the lower, public lot, the back row is reserved for government vehicles, but the remaining spots are available to visitors.

Courthouse Entrance
Upon traveling through security, the visitor will go straight through the double doors in front of them to the courthouse lobby. The courtrooms, jury waiting area, and restrooms are located off of the lobby through a set of marked, double doors.
Upon traveling through security, the visitor will go straight through the double doors in front of them to the courthouse lobby. The courtrooms, jury waiting area, and restrooms are located off of the lobby through a set of marked, double doors.

Accessibility at the Courthouse
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court offers a wide variety of services: Television monitors in the courtrooms that allow for video conferencing; Documents are supplied in multiple languages; Onsite Spanish translators; ASL interpreters; Sound amplifiers are provided for those with hearing difficulties; Please provide, at least 48 hour notice if you require language and disability services.
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court offers a wide variety of services: Television monitors in the courtrooms that allow for video conferencing; Documents are supplied in multiple languages; Onsite Spanish translators; ASL interpreters; Sound amplifiers are provided for those with hearing difficulties; Please provide, at least 48 hour notice if you require language and disability services.

Service Windows
There are 6 service windows in the Courthouse. The visitor needs to be aware of what window to see when they are conducting court business. The window furthest from the security entrance is reserved for orders of protection. Windows 1 and 3 assist with cases in municipal and justice court; visitors take numbers and wait until they are called. Monthly fines are paid at window 2. Windows 4 and 5 are reserved for superior court.
There are 6 service windows in the Courthouse. The visitor needs to be aware of what window to see when they are conducting court business. The window furthest from the security entrance is reserved for orders of protection. Windows 1 and 3 assist with cases in municipal and justice court; visitors take numbers and wait until they are called. Monthly fines are paid at window 2. Windows 4 and 5 are reserved for superior court.

Court Resources
There are multiple ways to view the Kingman Superior Court calendar. In the hallways and in the lobby, visitors will find monitors withe the scrolling calendar. A QR code is available outside of every courtroom for an individual to download the daily calendar to their phone or tablet. The calendar is also available on the Mohave county website.
There are multiple ways to view the Kingman Superior Court calendar. In the hallways and in the lobby, visitors will find monitors withe the scrolling calendar. A QR code is available outside of every courtroom for an individual to download the daily calendar to their phone or tablet. The calendar is also available on the Mohave county website.

Courtroom K
Courtroom K primarily handles municipal cases. The courtroom has video and projector access.
Courtroom K primarily handles municipal cases. The courtroom has video and projector access.

Courtroom L
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Courtroom L.
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Courtroom L.

Courtroom M
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Courtroom M.
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Courtroom M.

Courtroom N
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Courtroom N
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Courtroom N

Technology Access
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court building offers:
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court building offers:
- Free public wifi
- Computer access for research
- Video conference in interpreters/witnesses/inmates
- Recordings of trial court hearings

Customers of the Kingman Superior Court can access free wifi and have access to a computer terminal for court-related purposes (printing is not available). Each courtroom has access to a digital projection system for files as well as conference calling capabilities. For a fee, individuals can request a digital recording of their hearing.
Customers of the Kingman Superior Court can access free wifi and have access to a computer terminal for court-related purposes (printing is not available). Each courtroom has access to a digital projection system for files as well as conference calling capabilities. For a fee, individuals can request a digital recording of their hearing.

Jury Assembly Room
When serving on a jury at the Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court, there are a few things you should be aware of. The jury assembly room is past the double doors marked, "Courtrooms and Restrooms". Those with jury duty are welcome to bring a lunch (refrigerator and microwave are available) and there is also a vending machine for jury use.
When serving on a jury at the Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court, there are a few things you should be aware of. The jury assembly room is past the double doors marked, "Courtrooms and Restrooms". Those with jury duty are welcome to bring a lunch (refrigerator and microwave are available) and there is also a vending machine for jury use.

Law Library
The Mohave County Law Library is located on the 2nd floor of the Kingman Superior Courthouse. The entrance to the library is a bright red door. The door is located outside of the door leading to the elevator hallway. The law library has legal resources, form packets, copier access, and legal aid information.
The Mohave County Law Library is located on the 2nd floor of the Kingman Superior Courthouse. The entrance to the library is a bright red door. The door is located outside of the door leading to the elevator hallway. The law library has legal resources, form packets, copier access, and legal aid information.

Probation Office
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court has a probation office for customers to the right of security. Upon entering the office, the user needs to pick up the phone and call the probation officer assigned to their case; do not knock on the door. The officer will come into the lobby and escort the individual back to the conference room or desk of the officer.
Lake Havasu City Consolidated Court has a probation office for customers to the right of security. Upon entering the office, the user needs to pick up the phone and call the probation officer assigned to their case; do not knock on the door. The officer will come into the lobby and escort the individual back to the conference room or desk of the officer.

Probation Meeting Areas
Meetings with probation officers are either held in the conference room or at the desk of the assigned probation officer. Individuals are allowed to bring children with them. Fines that are owed, can be paid at the courthouse windows - you must know the case number and court that the case is assigned to or you may pay for something you did not intend to.
Meetings with probation officers are either held in the conference room or at the desk of the assigned probation officer. Individuals are allowed to bring children with them. Fines that are owed, can be paid at the courthouse windows - you must know the case number and court that the case is assigned to or you may pay for something you did not intend to.