Quartzsite Justice Court located?
The Quartzsite Justice Court, in Quartzsite, Arizona is off of Plymouth Avenue and Quail Trail Street. It is across the street from the Town Hall, on the north-east corner.
The Quartzsite Justice Court, in Quartzsite, Arizona is off of Plymouth Avenue and Quail Trail Street. It is across the street from the Town Hall, on the north-east corner.

Courthouse Parking
Free public parking is available outside the courthouse entrance. There are designated handicapped parking spaces available.
Free public parking is available outside the courthouse entrance. There are designated handicapped parking spaces available.

Court Clerk Window
The Clerk window is available for filing, making payments, obtaining forms, or requesting court records. The window is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Bring a valid photo ID when filing.
The courthouse accepts cash, cashier check, and money orders until 4:30 daily. Forms are provided for free, but copies are $.50 a page.
To quash a warrant, arrive no later than 8:30am on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
Call to schedule a wedding ceremony. Marriage certificates are available at the courthouse.
The Clerk window is available for filing, making payments, obtaining forms, or requesting court records. The window is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Bring a valid photo ID when filing.
The courthouse accepts cash, cashier check, and money orders until 4:30 daily. Forms are provided for free, but copies are $.50 a page.
To quash a warrant, arrive no later than 8:30am on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
Call to schedule a wedding ceremony. Marriage certificates are available at the courthouse.

The entrance to the courtroom is in the lobby area. All individuals entering the courtroom need to check in at the window. Children are allowed in the courthouse as long as they are behaving. Please be respectful of the courthouse by ensuring that you are dressed appropriately:
The entrance to the courtroom is in the lobby area. All individuals entering the courtroom need to check in at the window. Children are allowed in the courthouse as long as they are behaving. Please be respectful of the courthouse by ensuring that you are dressed appropriately:
- No revealing clothing
- No inappropriate language or images

For those with digital exhibits, materials can be placed on an USB drive or disc and presented to the Clerk prior to the hearing. The courtroom is equipped with a sound system, video teleconferencing, and presentation screens. Wifi access is available upon request.
Those requesting interpreter services need to request 15 days in advance. Interpreters attend in person. Those with hearing impairments can request headsets.
For those with digital exhibits, materials can be placed on an USB drive or disc and presented to the Clerk prior to the hearing. The courtroom is equipped with a sound system, video teleconferencing, and presentation screens. Wifi access is available upon request.
Those requesting interpreter services need to request 15 days in advance. Interpreters attend in person. Those with hearing impairments can request headsets.

Jury Service
If you have received a jury summons, read the whole document before appearing for jury duty. If you are still needed to appear, check in with the clerk for further instructions.
If you have received a jury summons, read the whole document before appearing for jury duty. If you are still needed to appear, check in with the clerk for further instructions.

County Notices
Outside the entrance to the courthouse a notice board is posted. The notice board contains court and county related information or documents for service.
Outside the entrance to the courthouse a notice board is posted. The notice board contains court and county related information or documents for service.