Where is the Fredonia Justice Court located?
The Fredonia Justice Court, is found off of Hwy 89A (also known as Main St.) and Jensen St. in Fredonia, Arizona. It is on the eastside of the road in the Coconino County Offices complex.
The Fredonia Justice Court, is found off of Hwy 89A (also known as Main St.) and Jensen St. in Fredonia, Arizona. It is on the eastside of the road in the Coconino County Offices complex.

Courthouse Parking
Free public parking is available in the Coconino County Complex. Please be aware that there are specified spots for handicapped and other partner agencies in the lot. A bike rack is availabe to the north of the library.
Free public parking is available in the Coconino County Complex. Please be aware that there are specified spots for handicapped and other partner agencies in the lot. A bike rack is availabe to the north of the library.

Courthouse Entrance
The entrance to the courthouse is indicated by a white directional sign. It is in the same building as the sheriff's department.
The entrance to the courthouse is indicated by a white directional sign. It is in the same building as the sheriff's department.

Courthouse Window
The service window is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm, closing from 12:00-1:00 for lunch. If you need to make a payment the clerk accepts cash (exact amount only), money order, cashier checks, and credit cards (no personal checks). Online payments are also available. Call in advance to see if and when the judge is available to quash a warrant. Weddings are not performed at this location.
The Court Clerk is here to help guide you through the process. Please ask if you have any questions.
The service window is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm, closing from 12:00-1:00 for lunch. If you need to make a payment the clerk accepts cash (exact amount only), money order, cashier checks, and credit cards (no personal checks). Online payments are also available. Call in advance to see if and when the judge is available to quash a warrant. Weddings are not performed at this location.
The Court Clerk is here to help guide you through the process. Please ask if you have any questions.

Courthouse Resources
The Fredonia Justice Court has forms available for free, along with county resources in the lobby area. If you have exhibits to share, bring them in on a USB drive. All hearings are digitally recorded. A wipe board is also available for use in court hearings. Free public wi-fi can be found at the library in the County Complex.
The Fredonia Justice Court has forms available for free, along with county resources in the lobby area. If you have exhibits to share, bring them in on a USB drive. All hearings are digitally recorded. A wipe board is also available for use in court hearings. Free public wi-fi can be found at the library in the County Complex.

Prior to enter the courtroom, check in with the clerk. Children are allowed in the courtroom, unless they are not behaving. Dress appropriately; no hats, inappropriate language/images, midriffs showing, etc... Phones, cameras, and recording devices are not allowed to be used without prior approval.
You are able to bring in exhibits on a USB drive.
Remote appearances are available for those who do not live in the area. Video conferencing is conducted for those detained in Page or Flagstaff. For those who agreed to be placed in custody in King County, Utah; you will be in person for your arraignment.
Prior to enter the courtroom, check in with the clerk. Children are allowed in the courtroom, unless they are not behaving. Dress appropriately; no hats, inappropriate language/images, midriffs showing, etc... Phones, cameras, and recording devices are not allowed to be used without prior approval.
You are able to bring in exhibits on a USB drive.
Remote appearances are available for those who do not live in the area. Video conferencing is conducted for those detained in Page or Flagstaff. For those who agreed to be placed in custody in King County, Utah; you will be in person for your arraignment.

Meeting Room
There is a room available for meeting and jury deliberations. To get access to the room, you must ake a request through the clerk.
There is a room available for meeting and jury deliberations. To get access to the room, you must ake a request through the clerk.